Clinics from The Barefoot Bloke
Our clinics are designed to teach owners all they need to know to keep their horses’ hooves and limbs healthy and to support illness and injury rehabilitation. We love working with clients in a group environment and one-on-one and helping them maintain a healthy horse.
Owner maintenance trimming clinics
Learn how to maintain healthy hooves
With maintenance trimming you can keep our horses’ feet in constant balance – the key to healthy strong feet, barefoot performance and long-term soundness.
What will you learn?
Our one day intensive workshop is specifically designed to teach horse owners to maintain the feet of their own horses. We will cover:
- The anatomy of the lower limb and hoof
- The scientific evidence for barefoot trimming
- A generic recipe for basic maintenance trimming
- Practice the techniques on a cadaver limb before trimming your own horse
- Correct use of farrier tools
- …and much more
Who are these workshops for?
Horse owners who want to take charge of their own horse’s hoof care. Vets and farriers are also welcome to attend.
How do you participate?
The cost for this trimming workshop if you bring your own horse is $350. As an auditor without a horse the cost is $200. The course includes a booklet covering all the theory which is done on the day, a cadaver trim and trimming your own horse under supervision if you bring a horse. We also over a variety of trimming tools for sale on the day.
To see available dates and reserve your spot, click here.
Growing Healthy Hooves
Learn how to practice the best breeding, diet, nutrition, environment and husbandry for healthy hooves
This workshop is intended to assist owners in better understanding how to grow and maintain healthy hooves. With maintenance trimming you can keep your horses’ feet in constant balance which, in combination with environment, diet and nutrition is the key to healthy, strong feet, barefoot performance and long-term soundness.
What will you learn?
This one day workshop will help you be able to:
- Learn basic hoof terminology, structure and function
- Identify the difference between a healthy, balanced hoof and an unhealthy, compromised hoof
- Understand the importance of the owner’s role in hoof care and function and how this can positively affect the long-term health and mobility of their equine companion
Who are these workshops for?
Horse owners who want to take charge of their own horse’s hoof care. Vets and farriers are also welcome to attend.
How do you participate?
The cost for this workshop is $300. The course includes a booklet covering all the theory which is done on the day. We also over a variety of trimming tools for sale on the day.
To see available dates and reserve your spot, click here.
Laminitis and Other Pathologies
Learn how to prevent and rehabilitate laminitis and other common pathologies of the limb and hoof
This one day workshop will help you be able to identify, treat and prevent laminitis and other pathologies.
What will you learn?
You will learn:
- Identify when something is not right with the distal limb
- Assessing lameness
- Isolating and identifying the problem
- Deciding whether this is something that the owner can manage or whether professional intervention is required (vet, farrier or bodyworker)
- Protocols for managing and resolving the problem going forward
- Avoiding a repeat of the problem going forward
Who are these workshops for?
Horse owners who want to take charge of their own horse’s hoof care. Vets and farriers are also welcome to attend.
How do you participate?
The cost for the laminitis clinic is $300. The course includes a booklet covering all the theory which is done on the day. We also offer a variety of trimming tools for sale on the day.
To see available dates and reserve your spot, click here.
One-on-One Workshop Session
Any of the above clinics can be offered as a private, one-on-one session. To book a private session, please email The Barefoot Bloke
Who are these workshops for?
Any horse enthusiast that would like one-on-one individual tuition.
How do you participate?
The cost for the one on one workshop session is $750 for a half day (approximately 6 hours). The course includes a booklet covering all the theory which is done on the day. We also offer a variety of trimming tools for sale on the day.